Let \(r_l\) be the maximum right \(x\)-coordinate if the left \(x\)-coordinate of the stadium is \(l\). Notice how \(r_l \geq r_{l - 1}\), since we never shrink the stadium side by more than 1.
This means that we can use 2 pointers and a line sweep to find the maximum valid \(r - l\).
When we sweep, we mark all \(y\)-coordinates with trees in the current interval \((l, r)\) as occupied. \(l\) and \(r\) are thus valid if and only if the maximum number of consecutive unoccupied \(y\)-coordinates is at least \(r - l\).
We can use a segment tree to keep track of this, but we can actually just use a set from the STL
Time: \(O(N \log N)\)
Memory: \(O(N)\)
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
struct tree {
int x, y;
struct compare_x {
bool operator()(const tree &a, const tree &b) const {
return tie(a.x, a.y) < tie(b.x, b.y);
struct compare_y {
bool operator()(const tree &a, const tree &b) const { return a.y < b.y; }
int main() {
int N, W;
cin >> N >> W;
vector<tree> trees(N);
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) cin >> trees[i].x >> trees[i].y;
sort(trees.begin(), trees.end(), compare_y());
set<tree, compare_x> edges{tree{0, -1}, tree{W, W + 1}};
multiset<int> gaps{W};
int ans = 0;
int p = 0;
for (int i = -1; i < N; i++) {
int y0 = 0;
if (i != -1) {
const tree &t = trees[i];
y0 = t.y;
auto pos = edges.find(t);
assert(pos != edges.end());
auto a = prev(pos);
auto b = next(pos);
gaps.erase(gaps.find(t.x - a->x));
gaps.erase(gaps.find(b->x - t.x));
gaps.insert(b->x - a->x);
if (p < i) p = i;
int y1 = (p == N) ? W : trees[p].y;
ans = max(ans, min(y1 - y0, *gaps.rbegin()));
while (p < N && trees[p].y - y0 <= *gaps.rbegin()) {
const tree &t = trees[p];
auto b = edges.lower_bound(t);
auto a = prev(b);
gaps.erase(gaps.find(b->x - a->x));
gaps.insert(t.x - a->x);
gaps.insert(b->x - t.x);
edges.insert(b, t);
y1 = (p == N) ? W : trees[p].y;
ans = max(ans, min(y1 - y0, *gaps.rbegin()));
cout << ans << '\n';