[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'System' (#rtl)


Search for substring in a string.


Source position: systemh.inc line 1085

function Pos(

  const substr: shortstring;

  const s: shortstring


function Pos(

  C: Char;

  const s: shortstring


function Pos(

  const Substr: ShortString;

  const Source: RawByteString


function pos(

  const substr: shortstring;

  c: Char


function Pos(

  const Substr: RawByteString;

  const Source: RawByteString


function Pos(

  c: AnsiChar;

  const s: RawByteString


function Pos(

  const Substr: UnicodeString;

  const Source: UnicodeString


function Pos(

  c: Char;

  const s: UnicodeString


function Pos(

  c: UnicodeChar;

  const s: UnicodeString


function Pos(

  const c: RawByteString;

  const s: UnicodeString


function Pos(

  const c: UnicodeString;

  const s: RawByteString


function Pos(

  const c: ShortString;

  const s: UnicodeString


function Pos(

  const Substr: WideString;

  const Source: WideString


function Pos(

  c: Char;

  const s: WideString


function Pos(

  c: WideChar;

  const s: WideString


function Pos(

  c: WideChar;

  const s: RawByteString


function Pos(

  const c: RawByteString;

  const s: WideString


function Pos(

  const c: WideString;

  const s: RawByteString


function Pos(

  const c: ShortString;

  const s: WideString


function Pos(

  c: Char;

  const v: Variant


function Pos(

  s: ShortString;

  const v: Variant


function Pos(

  const a: AnsiString;

  const v: Variant


function Pos(

  const w: WideString;

  const v: Variant


function Pos(

  const w: UnicodeString;

  const v: Variant


function Pos(

  const v: Variant;

  const c: Char


function Pos(

  const v: Variant;

  const s: ShortString


function Pos(

  const v: Variant;

  const a: AnsiString


function Pos(

  const v: Variant;

  const w: WideString


function Pos(

  const v: Variant;

  const w: UnicodeString


function Pos(

  const v1: Variant;

  const v2: Variant



Pos returns the index of Substr in S, if S contains Substr. In case Substr isn't found, 0 is returned. The search is case-sensitive.



See also



Returns length of a string or array.



Copy part of a string.



Delete part of a string.



Insert one string in another.


Program Example48;

{ Program to demonstrate the Pos function. }

  S : String;

  S:='The first space in this sentence is at position : ';
  Writeln (S,pos(' ',S));
  S:='The last letter of the alphabet doesn''t appear in this sentence ';
  If (Pos ('Z',S)=0) and (Pos('z',S)=0) then
    Writeln (S);

Documentation generated on: Sep 28 2017