[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] |
[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]
Parameter description class
Source position: db.pas line 1141
type TParam = class(TCollectionItem) |
public |
constructor Create(); |
Create a new parameter value |
procedure Assign(); override; |
Assign one parameter instance to another |
procedure AssignField(); |
Copy value from field instance |
procedure AssignToField(); |
Assign parameter value to field |
procedure AssignFieldValue(); |
Assign field value to the parameter. |
procedure AssignFromField(); |
Copy field type and value |
procedure Clear; |
Clear the parameter value |
procedure GetData(); |
Get the parameter value from a memory buffer |
function GetDataSize; |
Return the size of the data. |
procedure LoadFromFile(); |
Load a parameter value from file |
procedure LoadFromStream(); |
Load a parameter value from stream |
procedure SetBlobData(); |
Set BLOB data |
procedure SetData(); |
Set the parameter value from a buffer |
property AsBCD: Currency; [rw] |
Get or set parameter value as BCD value |
Return parameter value as a blob |
property AsBoolean: Boolean; [rw] |
Get/Set parameter value as a boolean value |
Get or set parameter value as TBytes |
property AsCurrency: Currency; [rw] |
Get/Set parameter value as a currency value |
Get/Set parameter value as a date (TDateTime) value |
property AsDateTime: TDateTime; [rw] |
Get/Set parameter value as a date/time (TDateTime) value |
property AsFloat: Double; [rw] |
Get/Set parameter value as a floating-point value |
Get/Set parameter value as an integer (32-bit) value |
property AsLargeInt: LargeInt; [rw] |
Get/Set parameter value as a 64-bit integer value |
property AsMemo: string; [rw] |
Get/Set parameter value as a memo (string) value |
property AsSmallInt: LongInt; [rw] |
Get/Set parameter value as a smallint value |
property AsString: string; [rw] |
Get/Set parameter value as a string value |
Get/Set parameter value as a time (TDateTime) value |
Get/Set parameter value as a word value |
property AsFMTBCD: TBCD; [rw] |
Parameter value as a BCD value |
property Bound: Boolean; [rw] |
Is the parameter value bound (set to fixed value) |
Dataset to which this parameter belongs |
property IsNull: Boolean; [r] |
Is the parameter empty |
property NativeStr: string; [rw] |
No description available |
property Text: string; [rw] |
Read or write the value of the parameter as a string |
property AsWideString: WideString; [rw] |
Get/Set the value as a widestring |
published |
property DataType: TFieldType; [rw] |
Data type of the parameter |
property Name: string; [rw] |
Name of the parameter |
property NumericScale: Integer; [rw] |
Numeric scale |
property ParamType: TParamType; [rw] |
Type of parameter |
Precision of the BCD value |
Size of the parameter |
property Value: Variant; [rws] |
Value as a variant |
end; |
Parameter description class |
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TParam is one item in a TParams collection. It describes the name (TParam.Name), type (ParamType) and value (TParam.Value) of a parameter in a parametrized query or stored procedure. Under normal circumstances, it should never be necessary to create a TParam instance manually; the TDataset descendent that owns the parameters should have created all necessary TParam instances.
A collection of parameter values for SQL-based datasets |