Chapter 14
Using functions and procedures

Free Pascal supports the use of functions and procedures. It supports

Remark: In many of the subsequent paragraphs the words procedure and function will be used interchangeably. The statements made are valid for both, except when indicated otherwise.

 14.1 Procedure declaration
 14.2 Function declaration
 14.3 Function results
 14.4 Parameter lists
  14.4.1 Value parameters
  14.4.2 Variable parameters
  14.4.3 Out parameters
  14.4.4 Constant parameters
  14.4.5 Open array parameters
  14.4.6 Array of const
 14.5 Managed types and reference counts
 14.6 Function overloading
 14.7 Forward declared functions
 14.8 External functions
 14.9 Assembler functions
 14.10 Modifiers
  14.10.1 alias
  14.10.2 cdecl
  14.10.3 export
  14.10.4 inline
  14.10.5 interrupt
  14.10.6 iocheck
  14.10.7 local
  14.10.8 noreturn
  14.10.9 nostackframe
  14.10.10 overload
  14.10.11 pascal
  14.10.12 public
  14.10.13 register
  14.10.14 safecall
  14.10.15 saveregisters
  14.10.16 softfloat
  14.10.17 stdcall
  14.10.18 varargs
 14.11 Unsupported Turbo Pascal modifiers